Tuesday, February 23, 2016


  Today we are going to be talking about a few factors that aid justice and another few that would impede justice. Something that would aid justice, or support it would be people that would defend other innocent citizens in our community. That would be in a situation where someone feels violated and or abused in a way where it is not comfortable for them. The person that is defending this victim would not only be doing justice to them, but for the community as an example for the others to follow. A couple things that would hinder justice could be just doing something wrong to someone or something in the community. Doing something like this could become similar to a chain, where if you were to shake one end it would ripple throughout the chains. 

Friday, February 5, 2016



               Today we are going to be talking about what a witness actually is. To be a witness one doesn't have to do much and they their selves might not actually know they are one. By definition, a witness is a person who see's an event, typically a crime or accident, take place. Many people can decipher the word witness in many ways, for example, one that only watches and is only a bystander in an action. A bystander, in my opinion, is someone or something that does not take place in an action, either for the good of it or the worse. These bystanders might think they are doing good by not getting involved in something that might be bigger than them, but other might take it the wrong way and think that these people should be punished. We learned in LA what it was like to live in a horrible time, like the Holocaust. We have learned that we are living in a paradise, a Utopia compared to the many people that were affected by this horrendous event that took place in the past. I feel a lot more grateful that we even have food to live a healthy life unlike the many victims of the Holocaust.