Today we are going to be talking the progressive era and a few issues in this time. One major issue were the oil monopolies. These oil monopolies
limited the chances to the average company owner trying to grow their business. Although it had this problem there were many things that were
positive about it. An example is that it brought many jobs. Carnegie and his steel company himself employed more than 20,000 workers.
Another pressing issue that still exists to this day are the factory worker's rights. In the early 1900's there were about a million children working
in mines and factories for up to 13 hours a day. Many people started to realize how bad this was from stories and photographs that were seen by the
public in news articles and pictures.
that the democrats would say and vice versa. When the trusts were active the government was also active and the economy was much better.
In order to fix it we would have to make sure the parties work together and do things.