Friday, November 20, 2015

Identity Legacy

Hello fellow readers ; ),

        Today we are going to be talking about a few things that I would want my ancestors such as my great grandparents would like to remember about me. I would hope my grand-children would be talking about the many memories they would have with me doing all the fun stuff grandparents and grandchildren do. I would want them to think about who I actually am more than the things that I would do with them. I think I would probably write a journal once I get older to look back on or for one of my ancestors to read and see how life was for me. All in all I would want to be remembered as the fun grandpa that would bring smiles to their faces.


  1. I like your ideas and the picture is very cool.

  2. I like your ideas and the picture is very cool.

  3. Yes! A journal is a good idea!
