Today I will be portraying a Confederate soldier that will be sending a letter to my kids and wife.
To Mary, Little Tommy, and Cal
Hello wife and kids, it has been a long time since I last sent a letter to you. Times are rough here, with little to gain for myself. I am worried here. The nights are cold, and the day is as hot as ever. Today I got permission from the captain of mine and went to town for a bit. It's hard work, here fighting for my country. I learned from the beginning that I am not doing this for myself, but rather more for the place where I'm from. I am here fighting more for my ideals, not because I had been drafted. Today when we got tired we settled down and set up a shelter for an overnight shelter. We don't get fed much, but enough to get around. Most of my friends that I made have died on the battle fields. Some others have also died from disease and wound infection.
this was truly heartwarming. keep it up. who knows, maybe you could be the next jk rowling