Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Today we are going to be talking about a few lessons for my younger FELLOW READERS could learn and maybe implement in school, but more specifically their 8th grade experience. Lesson Number One: Of course this is probably self-explanatory. Practice makes perfect. Study and comprehend the content that you learn in class. Take your time when learning new things. Lesson Number Two: Don't be afraid to do new things. What is the worst thing that could happen. Lesson Number Three: Time-management. You don't want to be that guy that is working on something the period before it is due. Manage the assignment so you could do a little each segment between the time the assignment is given to the moment when it is due. Lesson Number Four: Failure is just proof that you've tried. Don't be afraid to go through with what your plan is. Lesson Number Six: Don't let other people control your thoughts, or actions. You do you. Lesson Number Seven: Carry around something to write your tasks. Doing this will make sure you do all of your assignments and turn them in on time. Last but not least Lesson Number Eight: Have Fun. Don't stress too much over your eighth grade year. Thanks and I hope for your success in the next few years.  This is not a good bye. This is a see you later, or a talk to you next time. Your author.... OUT. 

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