Friday, October 30, 2015

Quest in Life

Hello my fellow readers ; ),

Today we are going to be talking about what my quest in life is. My main quest in life would be to life a long and happy life. I think that another bonus to my life would also bringing at least a moment of happiness to someone else. Another maybe side quest of my life would life not necessarily long life but a life that would mean something. My quest might not have to be for something that I need, but find something that might seem like I have found something that I was looking for.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Changing the World


Today I am talking about how I would change the world. If I were to change the world I would want a world where people can live free with nothing that would separate them in a bad way. This would include barriers; for example, countries or religion. I feel like people should be able to live wherever they want to without anything in their way to do so. I would want there to be less leaders. Something that might work might be maybe a leader for each continent, instead of having each for a country. With this there would have to be some kind of law that would not give the leader to much leverage over the whole continent.

My Revolution

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Scope: Global utopia

Goals: to make life humans easier and not die off

Population: Every race and kind of human will be allowed

Education: The smartest of the explorers would teach the kids

Religion: They would believe whatever they want to believe

Architecture: Design their house however they want to

Politics/government: election after a leader dies

Leisure: star gazing, sky painting

Science/technology: having smart robots, but not smarter than the educators

Food: Different kinds foods, with human doctors.

Reasoning speeches

Friday, October 2, 2015


"We have been studying and writing creation myths, and now it's my turn to introduce myself on this blog. I'll use the BIG questions about identity, meaning, and purpose that creation myths explore as my inspiration. Here are 8 things that provide some insight about who I am."

1. Where I come from?
I was born in Santa Barbara, California and lived here my whole life.

2. What matters to me?
The things that matter to me the most is probably family and friends.

3. What I love?
I love to play tennis and hang out with my friends in my free time.

4. Where I am going?
I am going to Spanish class.

5. What I dread?
I dread having to speak in public

6. What I hope for?
I hope for people around me to be healthy.

7. What I need
I need air.

8. Who I am
I am brother of one.