Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Time Capsule


         Today we are going to be talking about a few things that would be in a time capsule about me. Many different items can be used to identify myself at this moment of time. Since I have so many I'm just going to limit it to four for today. One of the many things that I would want to leave behind would be would be a picture of my family. Another item that I might want to go in my time capsule would would be an egg (that doesn't rot; maybe fake). I think this would be a good item because this would symbolize life or existence. One last item that I would like to have my legacy represent would be an backpack. This would the container that I will put all my legacies in. I think this is a good item because at first sight it might seem like one of the most ordinary things you can see, but when you look inside, it could be more than that.


Thursday, January 7, 2016



                Today we are going to be talking about a motif from the book The Glory Field. A motif that applies to many different people just like me. Some different motifs that show up throughout the book could be shown in a various ways, for example, some being very discrete while other are screaming at the top of their lungs an inch from your face. One certain motif that has left some saliva in my face from all that screaming was the fact that family is the most important thing in this line of people and that they would do anything to rescue, or be with one another. They would be willing to take care for each other and stay for one another even through the tough times that they suffer. This appears in my life how our family is very close and loving.