Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Today we are going to be talking about a few lessons for my younger FELLOW READERS could learn and maybe implement in school, but more specifically their 8th grade experience. Lesson Number One: Of course this is probably self-explanatory. Practice makes perfect. Study and comprehend the content that you learn in class. Take your time when learning new things. Lesson Number Two: Don't be afraid to do new things. What is the worst thing that could happen. Lesson Number Three: Time-management. You don't want to be that guy that is working on something the period before it is due. Manage the assignment so you could do a little each segment between the time the assignment is given to the moment when it is due. Lesson Number Four: Failure is just proof that you've tried. Don't be afraid to go through with what your plan is. Lesson Number Six: Don't let other people control your thoughts, or actions. You do you. Lesson Number Seven: Carry around something to write your tasks. Doing this will make sure you do all of your assignments and turn them in on time. Last but not least Lesson Number Eight: Have Fun. Don't stress too much over your eighth grade year. Thanks and I hope for your success in the next few years.  This is not a good bye. This is a see you later, or a talk to you next time. Your author.... OUT. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Today I am sharing my intro paragraph for an essay. Plz enjoy

People should learn and implement these not only struggles, but accomplishments that they have went through and have pushed on. A human mind is set to keep on striving to live and to not give up. Human's have not been only wired to live, but to be a smart innovative mind. People have survived for thousands of years and many different inventions have been made with the intent on improving and making more of new developments. As seen in Lizzie's, Elie's, and Spaz’s stories, struggles can help transform the world for the better.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Transforming innovations


Today we are going to be talking about what innovation has transformed the world most. I think something that has changed the world the most was the space ship. This was an important innovation to continue further and inspire for other inventions. People of Earth have wanted to understand and discover the cosmos since the beginning of time. The space ship has enabled human to reach higher and further than before. People can argue that the Apollo missions have accelerated the pace of the advancement of technology. The space ship has made it so computers could be more transportable.The space ship has led to other inventions in today's technology like the credit card swiping devices. This machine could eventually lead us humans to developing on another planet, maybe even in another solar system.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Today we are going to be talking the progressive era and a few issues in this time. One major issue were the oil monopolies. These oil monopolies
limited the chances to the average company owner trying to grow their business. Although it had this problem there were many things that were 
positive about it. An example is that it brought many jobs. Carnegie and his steel company himself employed more than 20,000 workers.

Another pressing issue that still exists to this day are the factory worker's rights. In the early 1900's there were about a million children working 
in mines and factories for up to 13 hours a day. Many people started to realize how bad this was from stories and photographs that were seen by the 
public in news articles and pictures.  

Yet another important issue that might still be effect in today's day in age would governmental reforms. The republicans would disagree anything that
that the democrats would say and vice versa. When the trusts were active the government was also active and the economy was much better. 
In order to fix it we would have to make sure the parties work together and do things. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Transforming The World


                    Today we are going to talk about something that I would like to transform in the world. Different people can choose different things that want to change or changes that might connect to them or someone they know. A major idea that people might want to change or take away are borders. This is something that people can argue that might be a discriminatory factor or something to look at someone differently, just because they are from a different place. This would be a very hard thing to cover since there would be so many different language for an Earth-sized country. Also the many very different rules or laws that make up the countries. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Courageous People


                       Today we are going to be talking about courageous people and what would make them be courageous. There are many different ways a person can be valiant and courageous. It doesn't always have to be a big or meaningful thing. The sad thing is that only you and I would know the people that mean most to us. To be courageous you don't have to be a Rosa Parks, a Ghandi, or a Nelson Mandela, to be courageous you just have to be brave and push on through life doing what you think is right. If you do that you will most definitely be an example to look to in someone else's mind. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016



Today I will be portraying a Confederate soldier that will be sending a letter to my kids and wife.

To Mary, Little Tommy, and Cal

            Hello wife and kids, it has been a long time since I last sent a letter to you. Times are rough here, with little to gain for myself. I am worried here. The nights are cold, and the day is as hot as ever. Today I got permission from the captain of mine and went to town for a bit. It's hard work, here fighting for my country. I learned from the beginning that I am not doing this for myself, but rather more for the place where I'm from. I am here fighting more for my ideals, not because I had been drafted. Today when we got tired we settled down and set up a shelter for an overnight shelter. We don't get fed much, but enough to get around. Most of my friends that I made have died on the battle fields. Some others have also died from disease and wound infection. 


Tuesday, February 23, 2016


  Today we are going to be talking about a few factors that aid justice and another few that would impede justice. Something that would aid justice, or support it would be people that would defend other innocent citizens in our community. That would be in a situation where someone feels violated and or abused in a way where it is not comfortable for them. The person that is defending this victim would not only be doing justice to them, but for the community as an example for the others to follow. A couple things that would hinder justice could be just doing something wrong to someone or something in the community. Doing something like this could become similar to a chain, where if you were to shake one end it would ripple throughout the chains. 

Friday, February 5, 2016



               Today we are going to be talking about what a witness actually is. To be a witness one doesn't have to do much and they their selves might not actually know they are one. By definition, a witness is a person who see's an event, typically a crime or accident, take place. Many people can decipher the word witness in many ways, for example, one that only watches and is only a bystander in an action. A bystander, in my opinion, is someone or something that does not take place in an action, either for the good of it or the worse. These bystanders might think they are doing good by not getting involved in something that might be bigger than them, but other might take it the wrong way and think that these people should be punished. We learned in LA what it was like to live in a horrible time, like the Holocaust. We have learned that we are living in a paradise, a Utopia compared to the many people that were affected by this horrendous event that took place in the past. I feel a lot more grateful that we even have food to live a healthy life unlike the many victims of the Holocaust.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Time Capsule


         Today we are going to be talking about a few things that would be in a time capsule about me. Many different items can be used to identify myself at this moment of time. Since I have so many I'm just going to limit it to four for today. One of the many things that I would want to leave behind would be would be a picture of my family. Another item that I might want to go in my time capsule would would be an egg (that doesn't rot; maybe fake). I think this would be a good item because this would symbolize life or existence. One last item that I would like to have my legacy represent would be an backpack. This would the container that I will put all my legacies in. I think this is a good item because at first sight it might seem like one of the most ordinary things you can see, but when you look inside, it could be more than that.


Thursday, January 7, 2016



                Today we are going to be talking about a motif from the book The Glory Field. A motif that applies to many different people just like me. Some different motifs that show up throughout the book could be shown in a various ways, for example, some being very discrete while other are screaming at the top of their lungs an inch from your face. One certain motif that has left some saliva in my face from all that screaming was the fact that family is the most important thing in this line of people and that they would do anything to rescue, or be with one another. They would be willing to take care for each other and stay for one another even through the tough times that they suffer. This appears in my life how our family is very close and loving.